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DAF is a company with 8600 employees. They usually live within 30 kilometres from the company, meaning most of them are from the Netherlands, but there are employees from Germany and Belgium as well. The factory workers are often from the Netherlands and/or speak Dutch. This is because communication is important at ‘Operations’ (this has to do with safety reasons). However, most can speak English too. Communication and co-operation are the key ideals of DAF. Without these skills it is almost impossible to work there.
Not only does DAF provide jobs at the plant, but they also have an IT-department whcih provides many more jobs.
There are foreigners working at DAF and almost everybody works in product development. DAF wants to remain a Dutch company, so they often hire Dutch people.
If you are from a foreign country, it is not impossible to work at DAF. For example, DAF has a plant in Brazil, but also in Belgium. Students, mostly from TU Eindhoven or Tilburg University, can have an internship at DAF. This is usually an aspect of studying during your bachelor or masters degree.
Not only can you do your internship at DAF, it is also possible to exchange with other facilities. Although you can do this, it is uncommon
DAF offers a wide range of jobs, so you can work at DAF with ‘any kind’ of degree. DAF wants people working at different departments and they will select their people based on that idea. For example:
Some people start working at the plant for 2 years and are then moved to another department, such as product development.
Job Opportunities

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